Tuesday, November 29, 2011

3 My Last Week at webskills

I cannot believe it. I am really thankful to my classmates with whose experience and knowledge I learnt a lot. I will miss checking the Nicenet:(
In this week,I grade myself about what I am really doing in the course using LoTi Framework.I wish I were in Level 4a - Integration: Mechanical. Students are engaged in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources. I feel I have become more skilled and can integrate high tech more effectively. I wanted to make this school year exceptional for me; I started using a PowerPoint tool for displaying notes with some catchy images and videos. My goal for the next year is to reach the level 4b – Integration: Routine and making a step to Level 5 – Expansion. I should make technology an integral part of my classes. I will learn my students how to post comments in the blog. Also I integrate WebQuest in assessment. I think they will learn while doing their tasks.
I have started to implement technology in my teaching and at the same time take a course from Oregon. I've learned many new things in this course, e.g. ABCD learning objectives, web quests, virtual classes, interactive power point, online assessment and interesting websites for different learning skills, and so many more. My advices to participants to put down all the URLs in Word files or in diary in order not to forget them, refresh your mind when you read about teaching and technology issues and use all tools to achieve your goals. All in all we have had a very good online course; I hope the best for the new participants.

Robert>> Thank you for the wonderful learning experience! And of course, your guidance was all the time highly exceptional.
Wish you all the best.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Here we are, almost finished with our wonderful course… I guess no good-byes should be expected since this is not the end but the beginning of our journey as better teachers!
I have read tons of articles, comments, posts, etc in order to build my teaching skills taking into account technology. It sound easy but it could not be further from the reality!
Nowadays students are more online than before and taking advantage of the time they spend on the internet to help them enhance their language skills is something we need to consider when planning our lessons.
But, to do so the teacher needs to have certain ICT skills (word processing, searching, online tutoring, etc.) so as to update his or her teaching practice and commit their students into their own learning.

During this week I had the chance to finish a project dealing with" Use technology in learning English language"
I`ve really learned a lot with this course, what have I learned? All my participations on Nicenet show that a little, and all the time I spent reading the materials and everybody`s opinions show that as well, my project and everybody`s wonderful projects are the living proof of it!
Well, many thanks to Robert to provide this wonderful course, for your engagement in your role as an instructor, for your reliable presence all the time, for your helpful guidance. And thanks to my brother Nur, a teacher  trainer from Indonesia, who kindly offered his help!,also,my classmates to share those excellent ideas on Nicenet.
I would like to thank you all for reading me and sharing your expertise with this cute teacher from Oman!
I will keep this blog for sharing my teaching experiences weekly! There is nothing like networking!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

0 learning styles & technology *** Week 9

There are various learning styles, which are active, reflective, sensing, intuitive, visual, verbal, sequential and global. Those learning styles affect our teaching effectiveness. When integrating technology into teaching, we have to keep that in mind. Teachers should design activities which can help various learning styles. There are many technologies available on the internet, which are suitable for different learning styles.
Students can use powerful tools, such as word processors, music synthesizers, video,cameras, audio recorders, and scanners to make professional-quality products. Students can use computer-based tools to demonstrate their problem-solving and higher-order thinking skills interactively.

Students can create documents together, because the computer makes it easy for them to share and display data, comment on drafts, keep records of other's comments, and
integrate the comments into current drafts.
Students can collect information from different content areas in its "native" form – charts, pictures, text, or numbers – and create integrated product or multimedia presentation.
Students can use computer-based tools to develop their visual, kinesthetic, aural, and oral skills. Students can interact with the technology at their own pace, and review when necessary, to ensure understanding or check memory. Students with physical disabilities can use computers with adaptive devices so that they can participate fully with their classmates.

My new goal in this class will be to try to use the technology in my real life teaching in the 1st grade immersion room. I am excited to try to introduce blogs to my students.
Here is a link http://eduscapes.com/tap/index.htm a professional development resource that helps educators and librarians address common questions about the use of technology in teaching and learning by providing easy access to practical, online resources and activities.

0 Online tools *** Week 8

The course I am taking with the University of Oregon is coming to an end.
What a great experience it has been!

I really love what our guest moderator, Jeff Magoto, an e-partner in the course does shared discussion with us. It has a very essential role and makes our students love the course and therefore be more active and productive.Also,I talked about "Teaching with Online Tools". Teachers create online tools for students to engage in robust discussions, analyze complex information, pursue investigations, and solve problems. Online tools help students represent their thinking visually, collaborate with peers, and support conclusions.
For me, you can use the blog tool to support teaching activities through providing students with online versions of classroom materials and links to online learning resources. Blogging is helping students to think and write more critically.

Learners autonomy is well encouraged because to do the tasks, they have either to make searches, read, classify, observe, compare... by their own. These are a kind of training to their brains, critical thinking. Instead of leading them step by step to perform the tasks, they are to use technology and resources to perform the tasks.

Again, I create a class website of which I have tried some features. Here is the link: http://englishproject2012.blogspot.com . I used Tools for Educators website to create them http://www.toolsforeducators.com to add different activities for students.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

0 Interesting Things in ***Week 7

Week 7 is devoted to two main issues: learning autonomy and creating a one-computer lesson. Learning autonomy  is a crucial element in the process of effective learning. Language classes should promote it through using a variety of techniques. Possible activities are Diaries, self report….Teaching could not be described as effective if it doesn't enhance autonomy. Learners need to know and reflect on their learning so as they can improve themselves. One thing I would like to try with my students is to work more on their personal strategies to be in control of their own learning. Students could start to gain a new perspective on how they can best be responsible for their learning and be encouraged to change some of their attitudes about education. WE are the one who should start making a difference in their lives.

Following tips the reading materials provide, I managed to create a sample lesson for one-computer class.
The work with the project is getting forward successfully ,but I waited to NUR replay to be my partner and exchange the draft of the report and give feedback to each other very soon

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

1 Interactive teaching***Week 6

 I'm struggling to get as much time to follow the tasks for week 6. I was having great difficulties of getting connected to the internet because we are facing some weather problem in my country Oman^^
During this week, I learned many new things about powerpoint.
There are steps to follow and tips to take in consideration. It was very useful.
After reading it, I made 2 powerpoints shows for animals and I tried to make it interactive one, so it can be more useful.

Also, I read articles about how to handle the large classes in any institution of any level is a big challenge for many teachers. I think teaching large number classes is never easy. I agree that large classes are challenging. It needs a powerful strategy to overcome the obstacles but I think I have more than one powerful strategy which I can use based on the course. Small group, think-Pair-Share, etc... are several techniques which are available to be used. Teachers will find that there will be a number of students that will feel ignored due to the teacher unable to engage them all. Teacher at this point should be able to grab their interest of learning while in the classroom and should be able to open the opportunity for the students to have additional discussion outside of the class...Also, materials presented by the teacher should also design carefully and should have the 'hook' to make all students interested to find out more. That is why creating and presenting really engaging materials will boost the students' motivation to find out more about the lesson.

I`m having InDesign course for 3 weeks. It's still a busy week.

Monday, November 7, 2011

0 Hi again***Week 5

Since 31 oct. 2011, we are facing weather problems in the south-east of Oman. In these circumstances, floods begin to assemble in front of houses, which hinder our movement to work and other places. The electricity is interrupted and the internet service is very bad. In the previous days, there are 4 children and 1 man died affected by what happened from the changes in the weather. Also, today we have heavy rains with winds! And I think will continue through to the end of the week or may be next week. I am afraid, confused, stressed, not confident, and uncomfortable. I started late in doing my tasks. I need more time in completing all the tasks...

In week 5, we have web quest and rubrics this week. These two assignments made me think of how many our students can benefit from technology-enhanced projects in language learning and in particular, web quests Likewise, how powerful this can be to promote learner autonomy. One major thing this week is PBL and research showing the results in students' engagement and motivation, and the development of building skills, communication, critical thinking and collaborative skills.  In my opinion, PBL surely can change the way of teaching with more attractive ways. I think this week we are on the verge of getting perfect ideas on PBL and Web Quest.

Please, check these links:
Thanks for the course we are learning a lot of new information which are useful and we are gaining experience.


Saturday, October 22, 2011

3 Readings,Discussion,lesson plan & some issues *** Week 4

Dear colleagues,

During this week, I read the articles by Krajka and Liang. Krajka tries to explore the issue of the use of the Internet as a teaching aid, or as a teaching medium, through which students are taught how to write different writing genres. I especially liked the way Krajka combines online and offline tasks in his article. I enjoyed the articles of Liang as they were easy to follow and understand. She also gave us many web sites which contained much more activities, videos, games, stories. These activities can be used in and outside of the class. I think that very interesting. I especially liked the way she structures the tasks to create an interactive classroom atmosphere. The articles we read and discuss this week, give very good ideas on how to use the web for reading and writing. I think that I can adapt some or most of the activities for my classes.
First of all is http: http://www.manythings.org/songs/.This web site is for students studying English as (ESL) or (EFL). There are quizzes, word games, word puzzles, proverbs, slang expressions, vocabulary study, pronunciation practice, listening practice and many other things. Also, I checked the: http://www.breakingnewsenglish.com/ I recommend it because it has complete lesson plans to develop reading skills by checking some updated and interesting topics. Some of the lessons also include listening exercises. And teachers can easily copy and paste the parts of the lessons they want to use. 

The second task, I describe my class and I talked about my class issue and how I could manage to use technology with them to solve this situation. Finally we designed a lesson plan according to the model taken from http://edtech.tennessee.edu/%7Ebobannon/lesson_plan.html
 to consider technology when planning. It was a very productive week filled with attractive material and interesting tasks. 
Finally, I would like to thank Robert and our guest Rachel Drummond Sardell, this week for sharing all those good websites and the feedback she gave us in our comments on the forum.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

4 My class

2 I´m just a little fish swimming in it

LearnEnglish Kids is the British Council's website for kids around the world who are learning English as a second or foreign language. This site has free resources for children to use at home, or with family and friends. I can use activities from this site to children to do for homework, or during school holidays. Many of the stories, games and songs have worksheets that we can download and use in the classroom. Especially It has videos, and online activities designed to practise listening skills.And more in 

0 Delicious Course *** Week 3

For this week :
I read Aleyda Linares "Building Teaching Skills Through the Interactive Web Project ' The projects goals are develop students' grammar skills, involve them to be better in using English by motivation and work in group.
The project was designed to support the various types of interaction that occur during the web-based learning process. The purpose of the project was to design and develop a web-based program and to examine the effects of interaction on problem solving and participation of students in the web-based learning process.
For the type of interaction, students showed different patterns of participation in the web-based learning process.Regarding the results for students' participation in the learning process, the differential effects were found.
I really liked this project , Aleyda expresses how the use of technology can change the mentality of the students about the foreign language helping them to acquire new important knowledge and have fun at the same time.
Another activity was to start using Delicious. com, a site to store your favorite web pages online. It is very helpful because you can access to your favorite website trough any computer with Internet connection. It was great to know that you can start a network with other teachers to explore their favorites and to get use of them in order to get more resources for class. You can visit and check my bookmarks on http://delicious.com/mariamalfarisia/

We read about CALL in the developing of speaking and listening skills. We had an overview of the different types of software that are being developed and some results that researchers have shown in relation to these teaching points. We also read some lesson plans whose main purpose is to exercise speaking and listening skills with some links resources such as http://www.elthillside.com/up/files/article4.doc and http://www.onestopenglish.com/skills/speaking/teaching-ideas/
I had the chance to read good articles and explore interesting sites in order to have more resources to employ in class.
I´m ready for another week of great learning and new experiences.