Saturday, November 12, 2011

0 Interesting Things in ***Week 7

Week 7 is devoted to two main issues: learning autonomy and creating a one-computer lesson. Learning autonomy  is a crucial element in the process of effective learning. Language classes should promote it through using a variety of techniques. Possible activities are Diaries, self report….Teaching could not be described as effective if it doesn't enhance autonomy. Learners need to know and reflect on their learning so as they can improve themselves. One thing I would like to try with my students is to work more on their personal strategies to be in control of their own learning. Students could start to gain a new perspective on how they can best be responsible for their learning and be encouraged to change some of their attitudes about education. WE are the one who should start making a difference in their lives.

Following tips the reading materials provide, I managed to create a sample lesson for one-computer class.
The work with the project is getting forward successfully ,but I waited to NUR replay to be my partner and exchange the draft of the report and give feedback to each other very soon


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