Dear colleagues,
During this week, I read the articles by Krajka and Liang. Krajka tries to explore the issue of the use of the Internet as a teaching aid, or as a teaching medium, through which students are taught how to write different writing genres. I especially liked the way Krajka combines online and offline tasks in his article. I enjoyed the articles of Liang as they were easy to follow and understand. She also gave us many web sites which contained much more activities, videos, games, stories. These activities can be used in and outside of the class. I think that very interesting. I especially liked the way she structures the tasks to create an interactive classroom atmosphere. The articles we read and discuss this week, give very good ideas on how to use the web for reading and writing. I think that I can adapt some or most of the activities for my classes.
First of all is http: web site is for students studying English as (ESL) or (EFL). There are quizzes, word games, word puzzles, proverbs, slang expressions, vocabulary study, pronunciation practice, listening practice and many other things. Also, I checked the: I recommend it because it has complete lesson plans to develop reading skills by checking some updated and interesting topics. Some of the lessons also include listening exercises. And teachers can easily copy and paste the parts of the lessons they want to use.
The second task, I describe my class and I talked about my class issue and how I could manage to use technology with them to solve this situation. Finally we designed a lesson plan according to the model taken from
to consider technology when planning. It was a very productive week filled with attractive material and interesting tasks.
Finally, I would like to thank Robert and our guest Rachel Drummond Sardell, this week for sharing all those good websites and the feedback she gave us in our comments on the forum.
Hi Maryam
Just like you, I have visited Many Things. org, and Breaking news. I like both sites, specially for young learners and adults. They provide us with lots of materials from which we can choose the ones that fit our students' needs.
Writing a lesson plan following the model you mention was also productive and it will definitely help us develop our classes. It is important that we take into account the technological tools that are going to be implemented in our classes or outside them.
Hi Maryam
Good summary of the week! I know Rachel said "thank you" to me for allowing her to be a part of our fantastic class. She thought we have developed a great community of learners.
Great thoughts Maryam,
I think in order to accomplish our goals by having successful classes we need to be aware of all the details. It is necessary to be well-prepared teachers in order to support our students and not only design a wonderful class without the necessary tools for our students to carry it out.
The key of this is being ready first and show and create a sample so students can learn through practice.
Best Regards,
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